Neil McIntyre joined the Lindsay Leg Club Foundation as a trustee at the beginning of 2018. Previously, Neil was a senior manager for BT, working in telecommunications research and development. He gained a PhD from the University of Surrey for his research work on high speed devices for BT's next generation transmission systems, before going on to become a departmental manager. Here he was responsible for the development of computer systems to support operational staff, establishing close working with offshore IT suppliers, enabling automation and cost efficiencies for running BT's networks.
Outside of work, Neil has always been interested in and involved in volunteering for local community organisations. Roles he has undertaken include school governor, parish councillor and trustee for a village charity which helped manage and distribute income from property and investments to the church, school and those requiring aid and assistance.
Neil and his wife Carol have recently to West Oxfordshire, but previously lived in Suffolk where Carol was a community nurse working alongside Ellie Lindsay in the very first Leg Club in Debenham. This close association to the Leg Club model and its beginnings gives Neil a first-hand knowledge and insight into the development of Leg Clubs and the benefits and achievements this holistic approach can have to the prevention and treatment of leg ulcers.